Individuals in charge of hiring will need to complete the first five fields for new hires below that includes the following: Company Name and Location(s), First Name, Last Name, Email and Mobile Phone (put N/A if no phone is available). When you select Submit located at the bottom of this page, you will be taken to another page to begin the process for completion and digital signature of the Employee Profile Packet. Note: when taken to the next step after this page, the Hiring Manager will need the new hires First and current Last name in the first field and their email address in the second field. The Hiring Manager will also need to include their own First and Last name, as well as their company issued email address. **Please note that after this page is completed and submitted, the next page is for Illinois New Hires only** However, the PRE-SCREEN Questionnaire can still be used for employees hired at a location in another state, but we will email the new hire and authorized representative the necessary forms for that state. Please Check Not Applicable at the bottom if the new hire is not eligible for New Hire Tax Credits or if employers have elected to not participate in ProEmp's New Hire Tax Credit service.